by - Saturday, May 26, 2012

    Cameron Diaz ,39 is one of the top models who turn out to be a successful actress without having
any experience in acting before her first try out. Her first film was The Mask. Cameron Diaz has always been described as an adventurous,independent and sexy actress. Her alluring long legs and of course her wide,bright smile that always catch everyone eyes.

  In this May 2012 issue, DVH are proudly present to you Cameron Diaz as our Cover Story of the month. 
We ourselves are feeling more than excited about this! This time we gonna dig in and reveal all the story inside  her and that's about Cameron Diaz pregnancy and her future plans.

  Recently, Cameron Diaz was having such a wonderful moment of her life time for being pregnant and so excited with the giving birth experience in her latest movie What to Expect When You're Expecting.

What Pregnancy and Giving Birth feels like to you?

 I think the only things that's like being pregnant with that fake pregnancy belly was it was really hard to sit down. I have to say that I can't wait to watch her(Jules) give birth on the big screen. " That was fun - really fun " she said with a big smile.

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